Welcome to the El Camino Baptist Church blog. We wanted a place where our ministry leaders could share things that God has laid on their hearts. Please feel free to comment and join in the discussion as we share how God is moving through His church.Other places to find us on the web are our website, Youtube, and Facebook. You can also check out Hoss' music blog at hosshughes.com.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Our Mighty God!

But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Psalm 86:15

Last week in Good News Club, I didn’t obey God. He was leading me to pull a little girl aside and make sure the message of salvation was clear to her. She comes from a home that follows Hinduism. I LOVE sharing the Gospel and giving children the opportunity to respond, asking Jesus to forgive them of their sins and be Lord of their lives. As I shared in my last blog entitled Brokenness, I procrastinated. The task at hand-helping keep the class under control so the teacher could teach the Bible lesson, seemed more urgent to me. I felt I had time for both, so my agenda won out.

When her grown up came to get her, she repeatedly said we shouldn’t be teaching religion in school, and that this would be the little girl’s last day in Good News Club. I was devastated. No wonder God was prompting me to share the Gospel with her that day. Being all-knowing, He knew it was her last week. I thought I had all the time in the world.

All week long I prayed hard. I asked you, our blogging friends to pray; I asked my family, prayer groups and our staff to pray. I know the Gospel is shared in Good News Club, but counseling with a child one on one is so important. It helps surface their misconceptions and provides the opportunity to clarify with them and invite them to personally pray. I wanted an opportunity to counsel with her, as God had lead.

I couldn’t wait to get to Good News Club yesterday. The dismissal bell rang and our students began filing in to our class. In she walked!!! Immediately I drew her aside. I shared the Gospel, and praise God, she responded. Not reluctantly or with any confusion at all. Enthusiastically she prayed asking Jesus to be her Savior.

Please pray for our little friend. A few weeks ago we gave each child a Bible. Hers disappeared from her home. After she prayed she asked me for another one. I explained that her family didn’t want one in their home, but I gave her another one, put her name in it, and told her she could have it back each week to use in Club. She said she wanted to read it at home in her room. Again I said I understood and that God wanted her to read it, but God also says to honor our parents, so it would have to stay here. All during Club she rotated between reading portions out of her Bible and clutching it lovingly to her chest. Watching her reminded me just how precious God’s Word is. In my sheltered world we have full access to the Bible. She reminded me that people all over the world, and evidently even here in America, have limited or no access.

I am praying that she will retain her hunger and thirst to know God and His Word her entire life. I am praying that God will continue to allow her to attend Good News Club. And I am praying that God will use her mightily for His glory in the Hindu community in which she is being raised. Please add her to your prayer list as well. Who would have thought a little girl of the Hindu faith would attend a Bible club and give her life to Jesus? What a privilege to be God’s voice to this dying world. What a mighty God we serve!


  1. What an amazing answer to prayer! I'm so glad our God is a God of second chances! :) Will definitely be praying for her!

  2. WOnder if we can give her a different book, something christian themed that isn't a bible to take home, like a GIGI book, or a Cul Da Sak kids book, how old is she?
