I went to a used bookstore today to see what wonderful Christian children's books and Bibles they had for bargain prices. While the very kind and professional gentleman, who reminded me of a flower child from the 60's rang up my purchases, he asked where I worked with children. When I said El Camino Church he mentioned that he donated books and a gift card once to our children's ministry. I said I remembered that, and thanked him.
I asked, "Do you have children?" He said, "Yes, a 15 year old and a 2 year old." I invited him to bring the 2 year old to our Sunday School at 11:00am. I said we have lots of wonderful books to read to him!
He smiled and said, "When I was a kid, someone took me to his church a few times, and that church was...(he hesitated for dramatic effect) El Camino! Right down the street from here." I said that we would love to have him back, and that I knew his 2 year old would love his Sunday School class.
He smiled at me as he handed me my 2 full bags and said, "Peace and love!" I smiled back and said, "To you too! And I hope to meet your son some day."
Lord, You began a good work in my bookstore friend a couple decades ago. Please use our conversation today to stir in his heart a desire to know You now, and have his son know You. Please bring them to El Camino where we can love them to You. And thank you for the opportunity to meet and talk with one of your future children!
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