As a child one of my favorite games was 'Follow the Leader.' I liked being part of a group, all doing the same thing at the same time, having fun together. There was no competition. Just camaraderie and fun. I loved belonging.
Interestingly though, I didn't like being the leader. There was too much pressure to make the game fun and exciting. I didn't want to ruin the fun or disappoint anyone. I simply liked participating.
I'm still that way. I much prefer following the leaders in my life. It is important to me that they be trustworthy, strong, wise, godly leaders. It is a pleasure to submit to their leadership, and to work hard alongside them to achieve the goals God has shown them we are to work towards, for His glory.
I especially love following God's direct lead. I love when He personally shows me what He wants in particular situations. A few months ago He impressed upon my heart the idea of having our Good News Club families over to El Camino for a Family Dinner and Game Night. He helped us be creative, provided everything we needed, and brought almost 3 dozen families, 2/3 who were unchurched.
It was exciting to watch it all unfold. It was also a little scary since it was our first time doing something like this, and we had no road map to guide us. It felt like playing Follow the Leader blindfolded, on the ledge of a winding, mountain road.
But God was as faithful as usual. The details were worked out, decisions made, and all went well. We learned a lot about how to make things even better next time. But all in all, it was a great event. Our guests appeared to enjoy themselves, and everyone heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know God will use His Word mightily in their lives!
Please pray that the seeds that were planted will grow fully. Like Jesus, we desire that no one would perish, that no one would be separated from God forever. Please pray that every single person who heard the gospel will continue to think about it, and will accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior if they didn't that night.
Isaiah 55:11
" is My Word that goes out from My mouth:
It will not return to Me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."
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