This last week Tucson saw a gunman kill 6 people and wound 13 more, including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. The overarching attitude that many have felt is reminiscent of 9/11 or the day in 1963 when JFK was shot. It caused many to turn to prayer. Please don't take me wrong. But does it take times of stress to cause us to suddenly remember there is a God?
An old military saying is that when the bullets are flying there are no athiests in the foxholes. It amazes me that the only time some people remember God and begin to beseech Him for His help and protection is after the bullets start flying, diaster has already struck, and/or danger looms on the horizon.
It shouldn't take a tragedy to stir spiritual rumblings in our hearts. Daily we should be seeking God in prayer and study of His Word. The Psalmist David had the desire to seek God on a continual basis, even dwell daily in the house of His God. Yes, David sought God when in the midst of trouble. But he also sought him in times of tranquility.
God is always present whether in moments of distress or times of triumph. Let us renew our hearts to see Him, talk to Him, and listen to Him daily in the good times as well as the hard times. Let's not wait until tragedy befalls to remember to turn to Jesus. Then when and if tragedy occurs, we are not overwhelmed by circumstances but consumed by His grace, His protection, and/or His tender loving care.
One of the funerals is at Calvary Sunday at 2:00 pm, Is there anything we can do at ECBC being so close.