Welcome to the El Camino Baptist Church blog. We wanted a place where our ministry leaders could share things that God has laid on their hearts. Please feel free to comment and join in the discussion as we share how God is moving through His church.Other places to find us on the web are our website, Youtube, and Facebook. You can also check out Hoss' music blog at hosshughes.com.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Voter Registration

Our ministry team attended a seminar featuring Dr. Wayne Grudem that was jointly sponsored by the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), Center for Arizona Policy (CAP), and Phoenix Seminary. During the event, it was stated that 40% of Christians are not registered to vote. This amazed me. As Christians it is our responsibility to be salt and light in our nation and to the world. How can we influence and impact if we as Christians don't even make an effort to vote? That is the very least thing we can do.

If you are not registered to vote, you have until October 4 to vote in this election. You get the entire process started via your cell phone. Just dial 510-771-7972 then put in your email address and zip code.

Voting is both a right and a privilege. We need to use that right to elect people who represent the morals and values that we hold. I would encourage everyone to get out and vote and to vote from a biblical worldview - that is, voting for those people who best represent the values which represent the Bible's stated points of view. Voter guides will be available in the foyer to help everyone evaluate the candidates values, opinions, and positions.

1 comment:

  1. I spoke at MOPPS last year for PAVE on a similar issues. that those of us who are registered are so busy that we don't vote, and our elected officials know this and therefore ignore our letters and calls. The only way we can change this is for everyone to get registerd, and than request an early ballot. If you get busy, you can drop it in the mail, if not you can take it to the polling place on election day!
