As the Director of Children’s Ministries here at El Camino, it is an honor to serve God by providing what we hope are quality programs for children and their families. We believe that we are here to support families as they “bring their children up in the training and admonition of the Lord.” Being the ‘back up’ was so apparent to me this Wednesday evening in Children’s Prayer Meeting.
Three year old Elias wanted to pray for his mommy, daddy and Sunday school teacher. He turned to me and said, “I can pray without saying the words with my mouth because God can hear them in my mind.” I smiled and agreed. He then immediately bowed his head, folded his hands, and his facial features got very serious. At that moment I knew he had been taught a worshipful prayer posture and a comfort for talking to God by his parents. There was no hesitation, no arguing, no questioning. He simply bowed and got busy praying.
This encounter with Elias reminded me that his parents are the first and foremost nurturers in his spiritual journey. God blesses me and the rest of the staff and volunteers on our Children’s Ministry team with the incredible privilege of joining Him and each parent in the spiritual discipleship of their children, helping them become fully devoted followers of Jesus. I pray we never take this responsibility lightly, or the blessing for granted.