I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.
Pastor Ron recently purchased a book of very interesting and thought-provoking quotes and had the Ministry Leadership Team read through it. One of the first ones I wrote down from the book was the quote above from Pablo Picasso. In a brief research of Picasso, I found nothing to suggest that he was a believer of Christ Jesus. He was convinced though that he could achieve anything, through his own strength, by neglecting the limitations he placed on himself.
How should we as Christians view this? We have an Almighty God on our side, yet we constantly put restrictions on our gifts and talents. We try something once and if we get nervous or stumble in the slightest, we write ourselves off that God can't use us.
I'm guessing that the first sermon Pastor Ron gave straight out of seminary was not that great. I'm guessing that the first time Diane and Stu were in front of young people they got nervous. I'm guessing that Dick's first worship service was less than stellar. But I praise God that He gave these people a desire and a passion to continue, to persevere. To learn HOW to do it. They felt that God was calling them to be leaders and so they followed His calling and now can tell you countless stories about the people that they have helped bring to an understanding of our Lord.
We have all been commanded to tell others about Jesus. Will we all do it in the same way? No. But we MUST ALL DO IT. We learn by doing...even by doing the things we cannot do.
Thanks Hoss. This is very encouraging. Often times when trying someting new or out of my comfort zone, I will focus on the flaws, and although that can be helpful in improving, it usually leaves me feeling negative about myself or performance. I am learning to trust in God and His "calling" me into new tasks and letting Him grow me through the process! It is also of great encouragement when I step out in faith and see how God meets me in the midst of something new, especially when it involves telling others about Christ.