Welcome to the El Camino Baptist Church blog. We wanted a place where our ministry leaders could share things that God has laid on their hearts. Please feel free to comment and join in the discussion as we share how God is moving through His church.Other places to find us on the web are our website, Youtube, and Facebook. You can also check out Hoss' music blog at hosshughes.com.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What Is God Revealing To You?

Every day at El Camino, the staff gets together for a time of sharing and prayer. Pastor Ron leads on Tuesdays and this month we have been discussing what God has shown us through His Word.

I'm currently going through the book of Jeremiah and this morning I read Jeremiah 28. It talks about Hananiah, a prophet and his interaction with Jeremiah. I won't go into the details of the story but suffice it to say, God punishes those who speak falsely. Because of his lies, Hananiah dies the very same year and Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, is given even more power.

The Word of God IS TRUTH. When we manipulate it to suit our needs, we bring punishment both on ourselves and those around us.

What is God showing you this week from His Word?


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Priorities of Life

Matthew 6:33 says to seek FIRST His Kingdom and righteousness. What does that mean? My intial thoughts are the highest priorities of life should be seeking God, expanding His kingdom, and living Biblical righteousness. Do we actualy believe this? In many ways, I seriously doubt that most believers in the USA (even among many at El Camino) make God a priority of life. I think most people seek God only when they have a need or its fun. Few really discipline themselves to make God the highest priority of life and activities. If God was the highest priority of our life, wouldn't we be consistent in daily devotions and prayer? If His kingdom is our desire, wouldn't ministry at church be a priority? What are your thoughts on this subject? How can we at El Camino seek God first?

God Has The Power Not Man

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that Pastor Ron had gotten a book of quotes. Another one that I found very interesting was by Orville Thompson.

"Who are "they" that hold so much power over our lives?

I think back to a message that Bruce Johnson gave a while back when Pastor Ron was out of town. The main point was that we need to be seeking the approval of God not man. A man only has power when other men give it to him. One of the ways we give power to men is by seeking their approval. But God's power does not hinge on man seeking His approval. God is powerful regardless if man acknowledges that power.

The people Thompson refers to ("they") look rather insignificant when compared to our God of infinite power.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Random Thoughts With Stu

This past week I have made a sad, but too often true, observation: When God does amazing things in my life, I am quick to be thankful but I am also quick to forget.

What I’ve noticed is that the everyday busyness of life (work, family, kids, friends, house work) has a way of drowning out the incredible things God is doing in my life. My focus is constantly being drawn away from God's movement in my life. The result is that my mind begins to think, "God is not working in my life." The reality is that God is working, but I am allowing the everyday things to push the remembrance of God's great love out of my mind.

My response is that daily I need to carve out (and protect) time away and alone with God so I can be reminded of the special gifts He is constantly giving that, with a hectic pace, often go unnoticed.

I invite you to let me know what you think.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Worship Styles or Preferences

For years churches have debated what style of singing we should have in our church. Notice I didn't say "what style of Worship" As most would agree the whole time together is Worship. Reading God's Word, singing, praying, giving an offering, fellowship, & hearing the Word of God shared from our Pastor.

So why the debate, is Amazing Grace from the hymnal really better than Amazing Grace ( My Chains are Gone) or is it just what we prefer.

Also, what do you think makes a service Classical, Blended or Contemporary.

Dick Dillender
Worship Pastor

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Presence of God

So how did this week's message and devotional strike me?

I know that, no matter my perspective on how my life is going at any given time, God is present. I think it's easy to feel His presence when things are great. It's easy to appreciate the blessings we have...it's easy to be in His word and in prayer...it's easy to "be with God".

But what about when things aren't great? What about when I'm stressed at work? When I'm having a disagreement with my wife? The worse times for me are when I'm not having consistent quiet time with Him. I feel lonely, depressed...I feel distant from God.

I'll give you a little peek at this Sunday's message...God Is Changeless. If I feel joy because of the wonderful family I've been given, God is there. If I feel sadness because of the loss of a loved one, God is there. If I feel anger because of the state of our nation and decisions being made, God is there. If I feel peace knowing that He is in control, God is there.

God's presence doesn't change...it's only my view of it that changes. His arms will always be open to me.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Hey, I am new to this blogging thing. So what do we blog about? What were your impressions of the sermon on Sunday? I have had some very positive and some very negative feedback. What do you think?

Just Do It

I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.

Pastor Ron recently purchased a book of very interesting and thought-provoking quotes and had the Ministry Leadership Team read through it. One of the first ones I wrote down from the book was the quote above from Pablo Picasso. In a brief research of Picasso, I found nothing to suggest that he was a believer of Christ Jesus. He was convinced though that he could achieve anything, through his own strength, by neglecting the limitations he placed on himself.

How should we as Christians view this? We have an Almighty God on our side, yet we constantly put restrictions on our gifts and talents. We try something once and if we get nervous or stumble in the slightest, we write ourselves off that God can't use us.

I'm guessing that the first sermon Pastor Ron gave straight out of seminary was not that great. I'm guessing that the first time Diane and Stu were in front of young people they got nervous. I'm guessing that Dick's first worship service was less than stellar. But I praise God that He gave these people a desire and a passion to continue, to persevere. To learn HOW to do it. They felt that God was calling them to be leaders and so they followed His calling and now can tell you countless stories about the people that they have helped bring to an understanding of our Lord.

We have all been commanded to tell others about Jesus. Will we all do it in the same way? No. But we MUST ALL DO IT. We learn by doing...even by doing the things we cannot do.
